어휘, 표현

The Way He Runs Towards Her 녀석이 그녀에게 달려가는 모습

새로운 미래 2024. 4. 24. 00:14






Just like any other kids who get injected..

The sudden burst into sprints: it melts me here.


He definitely know his safe place: his mom. Do you have yours?

That silent scream and little run is so adorable.


By the way, Was it an 'Engery Dose' or 'Energy Boost' the veterinarian injected him?

"Sudden bursts into sprints" refer to quickly accelerating from a stationary position or a slower pace into a fast, rapid run. It implies a sudden surge of energy or urgency, often associated with intense physical activity or the need to move quickly to accomplish a task or reach a goal. It’s like going from 0 to 100 in a short amount of time. “제로백” (je-ro-baek) in Korean refers to going from zero to one hundred, or from a standstill to full speed, similar to the concept of sudden bursts into sprints. It captures the idea of a rapid acceleration or sudden burst of energy.


“It melts me here” is an expression that conveys being deeply moved or emotionally touched by something. It suggests that whatever experience or sentiment is being described is so heartfelt or touching that it feels as though it’s melting one’s heart or emotions.


Your safe place is a space where you feel completely comfortable, secure, and at peace. It’s somewhere you can go, physically or mentally, to escape stress, anxiety, or any negative emotions. It’s unique to each person and could be a physical location, like your home or a favorite spot outdoors, or a mental space you create through visualization or meditation. Generally speaking, your Mom would be your best safe place in the world.


silent scream typically refers to the act of expressing intense emotions, such as frustration, anger, or pain, without making any audible sound. It’s like releasing emotions internally, feeling overwhelmed but unable or unwilling to vocalize them out loud. It’s a metaphorical expression often used to describe a feeling of being trapped or unheard. Nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and gestures can sometimes reveal feelings of distress, frustration, or anxiety, which can be interpreted as a form of silent communication or a “silent scream” for help or understanding. It’s important to be attentive and empathetic to these signals to offer support or assistance when needed.


“Energy dose/boost” could refer to a specific amount or quantity of energy consumed or received, whether it’s in the form of food, drink, exercise, or other activities that boost vitality and alertness. It’s like a recharge or boost to one’s physical or mental state. '자양강장제' or '수액' can be considered an example of an energy dose or boost.














