
전체 글 888

When the setting Sun becomes the face of a tree

Photographer Tobias Messerli caught the right moment when the Sun disc set behind a tree with the same approximate relative size. It means the photographer captured a perfect moment where the setting Sun appeared to align perfectly with a tree, creating an illusion of the Sun and the tree having the same relative size. Therefore, it’s possible for the setting Sun to align in such a way that it a..

어휘, 표현 2024.04.25

Deep Starry Night By Vincent Van James Webb Gogh

- It hits differently when you mix art with reality.Mixing art with reality can evoke deeper emotions or insights because it bridges the gap between imagination and lived experience. It often brings a new perspective or understanding to real-life situations, making them more meaningful or impactful. "It feels differently" means something affects you in a powerful and distinct way, so that it fee..

어휘, 표현 2024.04.25